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Thursday 12 November 2015

The Awakening- part 1 ( the beginning)

She woke up long after the police left. She yawned and stretched her long hands. It felt stiff. The sniffer dogs had left a long trail of saliva and grime on her Persian rugs. It disgusted her. The chocolate rug, her favourite, gift from Rahul on her twentieth birthday. She trudged along to the adjoining bathroom. The mirror was tainted. The entire place had a mossy smell. "Ahh I should take more care......" she said lightly touching the glass. She hovered for a while eyeing her reflection. A square white face with deep set sunken eyes and hollow cheeks grimaced back at her.The air smelled stale, damp. The tiles on the floor slippery. Slowly she went to the opposite bedroom. The bed was unmade, it's sheets musty. Even the curtains felt damp; cold and wet. " but where is Anisha?" She wondered................

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